I wonder WHY it's named as such when you're pretty much sick hte whole day. Mine lasts till almost midnight or so everyday. During the day, I have NO appetite but I force myself to eat something so I won't feel too ill with an empty stomach then come evening ... I really start to feel like dying ... I try to hide out in my room cos smells can set me off ... and then I'll need to PUKE. I feel miserable I tell you.
On a much lighter note, Emily is talking more nowadays but she tends to make up her own words for things .. it's really funny. Here are some things she says that are close to the actual words ...
"MEE MEE" - ok this one is versatile. Depends on the situation. If your leg is in her way and she wants to get past, this means "Excuse me" ... If she is calling our Maltese, Kimmy .. then it's also "MEE MEE" ... and she also refers to my boobs as "MEE MEE" ... dunno why though .. lol (yes I am still nursing her) ..
"TE TE" - this one is "Thank you"
"watch vee vee" - watch tv
"EET TWEET" - eat sweets .. this is when she wants you to open the packaging for a sweet candy etc
"Ball" - ok she can say "ball" but this also refers to "fish ball" her favourite when eating broccoli and carrot soup cos there's fishballs in it as well.
"MEH" - this is when she wants milk ie FORMULA .. she'll ask my maid for a bottle ...
There are other words she knows ... and some other ones she's made up ... I can't remember them all .. she's a bit slow when it comes to talking .. Lauren and Claudia were much faster .. but Emily's a bit quiet ... still it's funny to hear her ... :)