Emily had a viral fever on Monday .. poor girl had a HIGH fever for days .. and it usually shot up at nite .. I spent a few nites sponging her down cos she hit 39.4 degrees ... my poor poor baby ... worst thing is, she HATES takin medication. We have to force her and even then there's no guarantee she won't spit it up or vomit later ... SIGH.
I have never experienced this before .. Claudia and Lauren were and still are ANGELS when it comes to swallowing meds ...
Oh well ...
Anyway, on Tuesday we took her to the pediatrician to get suppositories and figure out what the hell she had ...
The doc didn't really say anything .. besides it being a viral fever .. but she subsequently had such bad diarrhea on Wednesday that we had to let her go diaperless for her very sore and raw bum to heal ... poor baby. So I'm guessing it was a rotavirus infection (so much for the money I forked out paying for the vaccination .. lol) ... Of course, I took the opportunity to get EVEN MORE paranoid about hand washing ... I'm the first to SCREAM "don't touch the lift button!" when we enter a lift ... hahahahaha. The other thing I hate my girls doing is holding the railings when going up and down stairs ... UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! I prefer they hold onto our hands instead ... anyway, I'm damn fussy when it comes to hygiene ... I go thru wipes like they're free .. lol.
I finally chanced upon a way to get her to swallow the medication meant for diarrhea ... it's this powder that you mix with a bit of water and swallow ... it doesn't taste icky by the way .. it's sweet .. she agreed to take it using those very slim straws that come with the Yakult bottles ..
You can tell she's lost some weight cos she feels lighter to me .. and her appetite was bad these last few days .. plus she wasn't allowed to take milk cos of her diarrhea .. so the poor baby was absolutely miserable ...
She's back to her usual self today and her bum is all but healed and her diarrhea is gone !! YAY. She was on her skate scooter whizzing about the house ... ah, yes, I must show u guys some footage of her on that thing .. Stanley went and bought Lauren a slightly bigger one and the pink one was handed down to Emily (they were fighting over it before this) ... and so now, every one of the girls has one ..