Yes, Daddy took the girls to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve on Tuesday ... they were really excited. That's the difference between a Daddy outing and a Mommy outing ... mine is usually at a nice air-conditioned shopping mall ... Daddy's is usually more nature oriented and involves tons of perpiration ... ew.

Yes, the highlight of the outing ... a LIZARD. *yawn*

Btw, I was too tired to pick out suitable outfits for the girls .. hence the totally mismatched, uncolour coordinated outfits in these photos .. *sigh* they were in their stay-at-home clothes. Can u believe Daddy dragged them out in their home clothes??

Emily looking really happy cos she's being carried as they're going downhill .. poor girl was totally exhausted on the way home .. lol.
Today, Daddy took the girls to watch a movie ... "Bolt" .. I of course stayed at home and rested. It was a very peaceful few hours ... just the baby (who was asleep), my maid and myself .. we took the opportunity to clear out the storeroom and drag out the Christmas tree and the decorations ...