My life as a momma to 5 girls .. their everyday(mis)adventures, antics and of course, photos of them growing up :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Taken with my new baby ..

Thursday, December 24, 2009
My really sweet Japanese Aunty Minako :p
This year, for Christmas, she sent the girls a bunch of hair accessories ... they are LOVELY !! :p
And she remembers that I like Barbie .. so she got me this really cute mini tote bag .. :p
Thank you, Aunty Minako !!! :p We miss you loads !!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Here are the girls at Takashimaya :p
Claudia chose a Wii game last week .. :p
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I can nap ANYWHERE ...
So yes, here she is .. she fell asleep on the dining chair ... lol!
Now, she's much better and is agreeable to being carried and put down on the mattress/mat etc to nap properly.
Still farnee as hell to see her suddenly asleep like that though.
One minute she's awake and chatting or drawing ..
The next .... THIS. hahaha :p
Monday, December 14, 2009
Goodbye to crawling ...
The little girl has totally stopped crawling now. She walks and walks and walks till she's tired out .. then it's nap time!! .. lol.
At 10.45 on a Friday night ...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy Birthday, my darling Calista !!
Yes. these 2 lil scamps love the kiddt rides aka coin suckers. I oblige them once in a while to keep them happy.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Random stuff ...

And a friend just gave her that little tote bag she's carrying .. Barbie and the 3 Musketeers I think ... she carries it like a little makcik !! lol !!

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Calista's new toys ...
I highly recommend the following toys .. I haven't seen them here YET .. but look out for them .. especially the Leapfrog one. The tunes are catchy and you will find yourself singing them to your baby :p
1. Vtech Learn and Dance Interactive Zoo .. US$15 (before taxes)

2. Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn™ Learning Vacuum™ US$19.88 (before taxes) .. this one was on offer and it's pretty big. Thankfully it fit into hubby's Samsonite.

3. Leapfrog Learn & Groove® Radio US$19 (before taxes) -- this one is quite nice .. and the songs are very catchy .. and it has an option to switch to Spanish so your little one can sing in Spanish too .. lol !!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My baby is almost ONE !
She's cheeky and feisty and can hold her own when a toy is being snatched from her .. she'll hold on for dear life and holler .. hahahah! .. She's cheerful and friendly and lurves putting anything and everythin in her mouth ..
She STILL has only 2 teeth but she's happily eating chunky baby food and bread and biscuits ..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lauren's K1 end of year concert ..
The nursery and kindy classes at Kinderland presented a concert for parents last week. Lauren and some of the girls in her class danced to a Korean song .. it was really awesome! Didn't know my little curly-haired munchkin could move like that! .. I was really proud of her. Sent the video to her Daddy and he was very proud of her too.
I keep forgetting that my camera has a max recording time of 3 min hence the abrupt ending. DAMN. I should've brought my digital video cam instead .. but I was alone with both Emily and Calista with me .. so wasn't really prepared.
Lauren in her concert outfit. I was stopped and complimented on how cute and pretty she was etc .. a few times that day .. hahahah!
Lauren with her best friend .. they LURVE to chat with one another in school and the teacher has had to separate them a number of times now .. hahah!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pink and brown :)
When Calista is busy with PAPER, there's no distracting her .. I kept calling her name ... but she was oblivious ...