of a baby that dislikes eating single flavour purees and plain cereal .. and I mean the Heinz flavoured ones not the hand made ones (lol!) .. yes, I am a awful mummy .. I have no patience to puree and cook my baby's food preferring to leave it to Mr Heinz.
I've discovered that Calista prefers the Heinz jar food meant for 7-9 months old babies .. like Pumpkin and Cous Cous .. and Tender Beef with Vegetable Mash (it's organic too!) .. I think it's cos these ones are more textured and have more flavour .. of course, these are more chunky so I used the baby spoon to ensure the bigger pieces are all mashed up ..
After her dinner, I spooned some of the fruit gel (also Heinz bottled baby food) and she had that for dessert .. and some of the banana puffs in the picture above .. those are really yummy .. be careful you don't get addicted to them too ...
For tea today, she had a Farley rusk .. I also offered her some Heinz baby juice ... :)
hmmmmmm .. it looks like I can be a Heinz spokeperson .. lol !!