And a friend just gave her that little tote bag she's carrying .. Barbie and the 3 Musketeers I think ... she carries it like a little makcik !! lol !!

My life as a momma to 5 girls .. their everyday(mis)adventures, antics and of course, photos of them growing up :)
The nursery and kindy classes at Kinderland presented a concert for parents last week. Lauren and some of the girls in her class danced to a Korean song .. it was really awesome! Didn't know my little curly-haired munchkin could move like that! .. I was really proud of her. Sent the video to her Daddy and he was very proud of her too.
I keep forgetting that my camera has a max recording time of 3 min hence the abrupt ending. DAMN. I should've brought my digital video cam instead .. but I was alone with both Emily and Calista with me .. so wasn't really prepared.
Lauren in her concert outfit. I was stopped and complimented on how cute and pretty she was etc .. a few times that day .. hahahah!
Lauren with her best friend .. they LURVE to chat with one another in school and the teacher has had to separate them a number of times now .. hahah!