Friday, October 28, 2011

But of cos ..

Yes, so I've pretty much given up on trying to feed Charlotte rice cereal. Or any kind of baby food that is in a powder form that requires hot water and/or formula to reconstitute to form a porridge like consistency. The girl hates it. And she can smell it a mile away. And refuse to eat it.


So once again (yes, this has happened 4 times before) .. I am back to buying Heinz baby food in jars. She also loves Rafferty's Garden. That is some good stuff man .. And the packaging is wonderful. Those metallic foil type pouches .. So easy to carry around. And I don't even need a bowl. I just squeeze it straight onto a spoon thanks to their unique spout system! I sure am taking motherhood to new heights (or new lows .. whichever) ... Lol ! She loves the breakfast range which is rice cereal mixed with fruits. And also the smoothies - as a snack after lunch or dinner. So easy !!!

If u have a little one, I highly recommend Rafferty's Garden !! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday party fun!

Of course my girls enjoy attending birthday parties of their friends :) here is a recent one we went to last weekend at an Indian restaurant at Esplanade mall.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time flies

My baby is 9 months old! So fast! Of cos she can stand and cruise on her own. And she can stand unassisted for a few seconds.

Although, Charlotte wasn't planned .. Can't imagine my life without her. Lol. She's such a joy and a blessing.

She's starting to take baby puffs as snacks now. Here is a pic of her self-feeding.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Waiting in the car

Half the time, we're in the car chauffeuring someone around or just plain waiting. U can see Charlotte is quite tired of it. Even my singing made her quite fed up and she there a d stared at me balefully from her car seat. She can't understand (of cos) why I cannot drive and hold her. Lol.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beach, Mummy

See that face? Every single time the girl holds ANY beach toy .. be it a spade or watering can, or bucket, the first words out of her mouth are, "Mummy, I want go beach" ..

SO, since the beach isn't at our door step and I have many many criteria before we go to one (like it must be a clean beach, not a dirty one, and it mustn't be hot when we're there, or raining ... duh) .. I have decided to purchase a Sand and Water table for her .. ELC sells Play Sand (a 10kg bag costs $20) ..
Hope she enjoys it .. then she can QUIT bugging me to go to the beach and she can play sand right here at home.

I know The Hubby will think it's a super bad idea to have SAND in the house .. but I have a plan. I intend to set up the table in my ultra huge master bedroom bathroom. To CONTAIN the mess the sand will inevitably make .. Times like these, I wished we had a balcony.

Will post pics once I have the table set up and the sand poured in. Won't be soon though .. ELC isn't nearby or anything .. gotta wait till I'm in town.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby cereal seriously sucks

Really. I've tried a lot of brands. Expensive, cheap, organic .. And they all have one thing in common. They taste yucky and like cardboard. My friend asked me how I knew what cardboard tastes like .. Er, when I was a kid, I nibbled on some ok?! Let's just leave it at that. Lol.

So I don't blame Charlotte for not being keen on eating cereal. She does eat. But not as enthusiastically as I hoped. Lol. This is the latest one I bought today. Oats and prune. Ugh.

So buy better tasting cereal then, someone else says. Eh. do you not understand? Do u need pictures here? .. There IS no better tasting cereal out there .. believe you me, I have tried.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fotos !!


Lauren had her first Sports Day in school today and her team came in 1st place !! She was a happy chicky. I had initially not wanted to go .. (cos I would have to lug the baby along) but she asked me to "come see her run" so I had no choice. LOL :p

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Stomach flu

Lauren is not feeling well today. She's puked twice so far. Doc says it's the stomach flu. Poor baby.

There are some kiddy ride ons outside the clinic and someone, wanted to have a go. Nevermind, she's already 7. Lol. I relented and let them both have a go (Emily and Lauren) .. Calista doesn't like to sit on them when they're moving. The ride was cheap at $0.50 and $0.20 so I thought what the hell. You're only a kid once.