Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More pics of Charlotte and her birthday cake ..

Yes, she chose the cake design herself. Had it been up to me, it would've been a nice Disney Princess cake .. but nooo, The Daddy brought her to the cake shop and had her look at the designs so she could pick one herself ..

And she chose Diego. *sigh* Not Dora .. but Diego. The BOY cartoon character. LOL. Anyway, she was really happy with her cake .. and she got to wear the tee I got her from Gymboree.com.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The new year begins ..

OK, so I've sucked at blogging these past few months. Been busy with the girls. And school. And generally being the chauffeur in the family. Here are some pics taken in Jan and Feb so far.
Charlotte turned 3 in January. Claudia turned 15! My gosh. That makes me 40. Bummer, man. I'm old. Lol.