Lauren is a very friendly and sociable child. She can start a conversation with ANYONE and ask an ADULT anything .. she's totally not shy and will charm and smile an answer out of the grumpiest ah pek ...
There were a couple of times, as we were on our way down in our lift, Lauren, being the ever inquisitive child .. would ask me, "Mummy, where is the Uncle/Aunty going?" ... of course, this was actually directed at the other occupant in the lift at the time ... some neighbour from another floor that I am NOT friends with .... (I only know the people on my level). man or woman ... the little kaypoh just WANTS to know. I'd shush her and just say, "Going out I guess" and give her a stern look. She would just cheekily smile back. Most times, Singaporeans being generally unfriendly, would ignore her question since it wasn't directed at them anyway. There was once, however, the guy in the lift with us at the time ... turned around and answered her ... "I'm going swimming" .. Lauren was thrilled to bits that SOMEONE finally answered her question. I was quite mortified and gave him an apologetic look ...
Yesterday, Lauren decided to change her tack.
She's gotten BOLDER - she decided to just ASK THE PERSON DIRECTLY!!!
We were on our way up after buying groceries at Causeway Point .. and at the last moment as the doors were closing, 2 Indian men got in. They hit the button for the 6th floor and the minute the lift doors closed, Lauren wasted no time in smiling broadly at them and asked them, "Where are you from?"
One of them smiled back at her and answered her, "We're from work" ...
Lauren was quite happy with the answer and happily waved and hollered "goodbye" as they got out.
GOOD GRIEF. My daughter is officially Little Miss Kaypoh. lol
OMG! This is too funny! And look at the pic of her...she looks like a tv host!
hahahah I din think of that .. but yeah, she does!!
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