lol. yes, it's the current favourite headgear in my house at the moment ... I bought it at Spotlight sometime back .. Lauren picked it up and took a liking to it .. well, what the heck, it is for little girls anyway ... so I bought it ...
I've been super ill this past week .. I say SUPER cos I've felt like DYING. lol. What I thought was the flu turned out to be some bacterial infection (ew) and so the flu like symptoms were 10 times worse. I think I nearly cried a few times. I was ill, hubby wasn't around for chauffeur duty (he's still in Australia) and the girls still had school and classes etc. Only silver lining was that the kids didn't seem to have caught whatever it is I had AND my maid is a godsend. I was flat out on my bed a lot of the time ... the meds kinda knocked me out and luckily my trusty right hand man (my maid) was there to handle the girls and their baths and meals. She is really a gem. There was no one else to help me .. thank God for her :)
Eeeks! Hope you are feeling better now. Take care.
thanks. i'm much better. still no appetite though.
Oh phew...that's good to hear. Can't be easy with hubby not around to help. Yes, you are so lucky to have a good maid! She's a gem and gems are rare..better hold on to her as long as possible.
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