Emily had her 24 month developemental check up with ther pediatrician recently when she turned 2 ..
Verdict : the little girl is in the 90th percentile for her weight, height and head circumference ... lol .. doc declared her to be "proportionately big" ... hahahahahah.
ok la, better that everything is in the 90th percentile - ie it's consistent - than having a teeny head and heavy body ... lol.
She also had her Hepatitis A injection .. she didn't cry .. lol. Happily trotted out with a sweetie in her hand given by the doc.
I'm really lucky that my girls have no problems with food etc. As long as there's RICE and vegetable soup and some sort of meat .. she will happily devour it ... no need for fancy stuff .. my maid cooks a really healthy soup with chicken stock, broccoli, carrots, tofu and fish balls and they are very happy to eat that EVERYDAY. We vary the meat dish of course .. beef, fish, chicken, lamb .. and Lauren and Emily are perfectly happy with that. They also love milk and so have that in the mornings, afternoon and at night. They also like to eat fruit, yoghurt, bread, eggs, cheese and pasta .. so all in all, they have a decent diet :)