On Sunday, it was church as usual in the morning, then we went down to Vivocity to meet friends for lunch at Earle Swensens and then we headed out to Sentosa to join them at Rasa Sentosa Resort for an afternoon of swimming .. well, not me .. it was the Daddy and the girls that were in the pool .. the girls had a very enjoyable time with their friend, Beverly :) The sun was BLAZING btw and well, you know me .. my maid and I slapped on LOADS of sunblock on the girls .. I don't like to see them (or myself tanned) .. lol. Anyway, Lauren doesn't tan .. she goes all red I suspect (like my mom) and I know it'll hurt, so there I was in the room ... putting sunblock EVERYWHERE on her and Emily .. and supervising Claudia too.
It wasn't a fruitless effort btw .. Lauren is still nice and fair .. so are the other 2 girls .. Claudia tanned A BIT but guess that was my fault for not slapping on the sunblock MYSELF (I let her do it herself and only helped her put some on her back).
Sigh .. I didn't check the photo or else I would've seen that Lauren had her eyes closed in this shot ...
Emily was just happy to play with the bucket and shovel ..
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