After a year and a half, just like with our car, I decided that the Little Tikes Jr Easy Store table that we had was getting too small ... after all, once Calista starts walking .. there'll be 3 little girls at that teeny table ... yes, it's meant for 4 kids .. I seriously dunno whose 4 kids can sit there though .. little munchkins?!! lol.
So here they are at their new table .. also an Easy Store table but the full sized one. Isn't it just lovely?
And now of course, I have to get rid of my coffee table.

ooooh... looks good! Looks like u're a fan of little tikes as well! :)
hehehe ya what .. made in the USA .. good stuff !!
Wow, nice table...btw how did you managed to squeese so many items for your kids into your house?
As of now, I'm trying to sell off my FP Swing & Bumbo so that I can have more space! hahaha....need to learn from you on that :D
I sold off the smaller table :) I am selling away almost every Baby item that Calista has outgrown - to date I've sold off the Bumbo, the Fisher-Price bouncer .. no choice what .. or else where on earth to keep in my house ??!!
I don't live in a sprawling mansion ... my condo apt is as big as the old 5 rooms HDB flats .. 120 sq m only. lol.
Anyway, sell la .. when you have another baby, can always buy again :)
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