So Emily started school today .. nursery classes. I didn't put her in pre-nursery last year cos in Jan last year, she was only 2 years 3 months old - and I KNEW she wasn't prepared for it. She was very attached to me. As the year wore on, and she accompanied me while I ferried Lauren to and from kindy, she became accustomed to the whole going-to-school idea. I had a chance to leave her at Kinderland once or twice .. Children's Day celebration was one of them .. and she stayed with Lauren in her class for the whole 3 hours and didn't cry at all.
And a couple of months back, she gave up her diapers totally (except at night .. she still wears pull ups but it's been dry for the past 1 week or so) .. and she really opened up and was more friendly, open and chatty .. cos suddenly her speech developed and people around her could understand what she was saying clearly. So I knew she would be better going to school this year.
So today, the little aunty jumped out of bed happily to get ready for her first day of school .. she was so cute .. chatty and excited. I reminded her that she HAD to tell the teacher if she needed to pee and that she MUST eat the lunch they provide cos I didn't want her to be hungry. lol! ..

She did fine

in school .. except at the end when she was waiting for me to pick her up .. *I was a bit late thanks to Daddy who RUSHED back from work just to come with me to pick Emily up from her first day .. he couldn't make it in the morning so he really wanted to be there when I picked her up that first time* - and when I appeared at the front door, she was a little upset .. I think she panicked a bit since hordes of parents had come and gone by that time but I was nowhere to be seen .. lol ! .. Lauren was there with her but the little scamp probably was preoccupied with her own friends and had no time to alleviate her sister's fears .. hahahah !!
Ok, so I survived the first day of nursery ... I didn't cry .. cos I felt like it when I dropped her off. lol !! .. I think I've done that for all my kids so far when they first go off to school .. lol !! .. One more to go ... now look at that face ... how am I not going to cry when it's Calista's turn ?!!
Wow! Emily is so good! Looks like she's going to love school :)
Woooo.. Great job mummy! Good job Emily! Calista will do just fine! =D
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