My life as a momma to 5 girls .. their everyday(mis)adventures, antics and of course, photos of them growing up :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Vivo again
Heh. I enjoy going to Vivocity with the girls and hubby. It's big and spacious and has a pretty nice mix of shops. The girls really enjoy the outdoor play area too. The girls are wearing the new stuff their Daddy bought them on his most recent trip to the States.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Happy girls
Thankfully, my girls are easily happy. I've been taking them down almost daily for some time to burn off energy at the playground. They love it. And because there's a few of them, they kinda have no need to look for play mates. Calista loves the playground. Really really loves it.
Here are some pics taken from this evening.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
My cutie pie growing up
Charlotte is growing well. She is eating cereal now and also some baby snacks. She is an easy baby! No fuss, smiley and independent. She's been pulling herself up to stand since she was 6.5 months old and I can see she is trying to cruise. Lol.
Ok, so as u can see .. These pics are taken from my Instagram feed. That's where I'm always putting up pics of my everyday stuff and of my girls. If you're on Instagram .. Look for me there !!
Monday, August 22, 2011
The girls were happy that their Daddy is home. More so with the stuff he bought them. I had given him a list complete w pictures, prices and location on where to get the item and the man tried his very best to get all that I specified. This toy "Wonder Pets" was a difficult one to find. Only available at Wal-mart (I checked all the other places online) and man, I was quite fearful he couldn't find it. It was about US$25 I think. Calista is a fan of the show which airs on Channel 304 everyday.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
What do u mean this isn't Persian?
See the baby totally entranced with the label from that Ikea playmat. No need for fancy schmancy FP toys with light and sound. Just give her anything w a label/washing instructions.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Stupidly brave?
While The Hubby is away, life has to go on. So on Sunday we went to church. Just the girls and me. I don't like them missing out on Sunday school anyway.
After church, I decided to bring them all to Vivocity for lunch on my own. Man, I just prayed Vivo wouldn't be as crowded as it usually is.
It was surprisingly not really packed. We got there and had lunch at the food court. I went and got everyone their food and drinks then mixed up Charlotte's rice cereal and fed her. The girls ate their food fast, Calista too!Charlotte gobbled down her cereal quickly and with no fuss at all! So happy!
Then we walked around the mall and Lauren pleaded with me to have a go at the outdoor playground. They had fun running around. Charlotte napped quietly in the Phil and Ted stroller. Man, I love that double stroller.
After church, I decided to bring them all to Vivocity for lunch on my own. Man, I just prayed Vivo wouldn't be as crowded as it usually is.
It was surprisingly not really packed. We got there and had lunch at the food court. I went and got everyone their food and drinks then mixed up Charlotte's rice cereal and fed her. The girls ate their food fast, Calista too!Charlotte gobbled down her cereal quickly and with no fuss at all! So happy!
Then we walked around the mall and Lauren pleaded with me to have a go at the outdoor playground. They had fun running around. Charlotte napped quietly in the Phil and Ted stroller. Man, I love that double stroller.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Yes, I cannot help myself ..
I got a new high chair for Charlotte! It's nice and wooden. She is so so with it. She'd rather sit on my lap anytime .. lol. Actually, I wanted the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair but I don't think The Hubby will approve of the price. So too bad for me. This one is nice enough.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
7 months old ?!
Yea, my little bub will be 7 months old in a few days' time. Man, that was fast. I am getting her used to the stroller now cos man, I can't carry her little ass no more. It's HEAVY. Either that or I'm just weak. We'll go with "she's heavy". Lol.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
My smiley baby
The little bub is a smiley and happy baby. And she rarely fusses. Seriously. Unless she's sleepy OR you've left her in the walker a tad too long and she can't take it no more. LOL. Other than that, she's smiling all the time. She's 6.5 months now .. eating cereal though I'm still breastfeeding her. She sleeps right through the night .. THANK GOD. I am freaking 37.5 years old. I don't think I can hack it man .. if she were to be waking up every few hours. She sleeps nice and early .. and she may or may not ask for milk at around 10 pm, but after that, I have all the time to myself to watch tv or surf.
She sleeps with me but once she's asleep, she doesn't really look for me anymore. I can pretty much sit at the PC and she's ok snoozing away.
She's hitting her developmental milestones fast. She could sit independently long ago .. just as she hit 6 months of age. And as of a week or so ago, she's pulling herself up to stand. Man, the girl is fearless. Recently, she'll pull herself up to stand, feel that she's stable and let go. Of course, she lands straight on her bum.. lol :p All this of course done on the safety of my bed with me there.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cheeky and ...
See that cheeky face? .. Miss Cheeky is now 2.5 years old and she is at what people call the "terrible 2s" stage.
"Calista, it's bath time" .. "No, I don't want to bathe" .. "Yes, go bathe NOW" .. "No" .. *crying and howling begins* And it doesn't happen SOMETIMES. It's happening almost everyday. Especially in the mornings. Man, I have to jump out of bed wielding my cane and wave it at her before she takes her bath. I am usually still asleep but I can HEAR her refusing to bathe when my maid tells her to. I quickly get up to settle the matter and then grumpily lie back down. LOL.
When she isn't being a little pain, she's quite sweet and funny ... she CANNOT for the life of her remember "Hello Kitty" and calls the little character, "Kitty Phone" .. initially, I was stumped as hell as to why she called it that .. and then I realized .. she associates the word "Hello" with the telephone. And she thinks when we say, "Hello Kitty" .. we are greeting the darn thing. Well, that's rather clever of her cos who would think that "Hello Kitty" is a NAME. Hahaha !
She is rather like Claudia and is more quiet and reserved but having many kids mean they always have each other and she LOVES following her big sisters so when Lauren and Emily are friendly to strangers, she is likely to follow suit.
I really can't believe that she's going to be 3 years old this November. Man, where has the time gone? ..
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Emily and her bling ..
lol :p FINALLY, I have ONE girl that lurves bling-ing herself up. Emily will ensure she is maxed out on accessories before leaving the house. Actually, scratch that. The little aunty will also be decked out like a Christmas tree even at home. I love seeing her wearing all her stuff. She's totally at ease with it and with herself. And she tops it all off with her Dora high heeled sandals. It's really cute to see her tottering away in her shoes and all dressed up to boot.
Lauren likes to look nice too. She prefers wearing makeup and generally wants to look nice and neat. Although Claudia was never a tomboy, she shied away from too-girly stuff growing up .. Now, she's more comfortable with herself and being older, is in no way like Emily (lol!).
Thursday, August 4, 2011
recent pics
The girls are doing great. Except the usual coughs and colds, they're all fine. Very blessed to have perfectly healthy kiddies.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
There's nothing like ..
There is really nothing like having your own little baby to hug and cuddle and kiss. A baby who will always gaze at you adoringly and want to be near you all the time.
Charlotte sleeps with me, I nurse her and most of the time, she's in her sling and I carry her with me wherever I go. She's very contented and happy to be near me and I can practically do anything I need to. Eat, shop etc.
While I am happy to see her growing well, I know I'll miss this stage of babyhood.
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