Monday, August 15, 2011

Stupidly brave?

While The Hubby is away, life has to go on. So on Sunday we went to church. Just the girls and me. I don't like them missing out on Sunday school anyway.

After church, I decided to bring them all to Vivocity for lunch on my own. Man, I just prayed Vivo wouldn't be as crowded as it usually is.

It was surprisingly not really packed. We got there and had lunch at the food court. I went and got everyone their food and drinks then mixed up Charlotte's rice cereal and fed her. The girls ate their food fast, Calista too!Charlotte gobbled down her cereal quickly and with no fuss at all! So happy!

Then we walked around the mall and Lauren pleaded with me to have a go at the outdoor playground. They had fun running around. Charlotte napped quietly in the Phil and Ted stroller. Man, I love that double stroller.

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