Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day .. One of the nicest days of the year. My girls were making me cards galore and thinking of what little gifts they can make me .. So sweet of them. This year, Lauren decided that she was going to give me money for Mother's Day .. So I can buy something nice for myself, she said. Hahaha! She saved up money from her allowance and presented the "red packet" to me .. She was very pleased with herself. I was very touched.

My eldest got me a plugy for my iPhone cos she knows I love those little things and a bar of chocolate. Hmmm, my kids know me well. They also made stuff for me at Sunday School which they presented to me after.

The Hubby? What did he get me?

Nothing. Blardy man says I'm not his mother so he didn't see why he should get me anything.


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