Saturday, December 8, 2012

My girls are my life

I love school holidays. I get to spend time with my girls. And on days when I hang out w my friends instead, my girls are home enjoying each other's company. Of course they bicker. That's to be expected. Hahaha. But they do play well together.

I try my best to bring my kids out .. Go to the zoo, the malls, the parks and library. This December however, the girls spent almost 2 weeks down with the flu. And with our upcoming cruise happening next week, aside from the malls, birthday parties and a leisurely walk on the Helix Bridge towards MBS, we have yet to go to the zoo and the library. They have been reading at home. And having Chinese tuition. And we've met up w dear dear friends for play dates. Ok, that's not too bad.

Here's some pictures of our holiday so far.

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