Monday, February 23, 2009

More pics of my dotter napping NOT on the bed ... lol!

I don't get it, man .. I'm not a bad mother. I always tell Emily everyday at a certain time that it's nap time .. most of the time she agrees to go and lie down and falls asleep almost immediatedly.

Then there are those times where she insists she's not tired and then around 5 or so, she'll just fall asleep where ever she is. She can be having her snack or drawing .. and then the next minute, she's out like a light. We've tried to move her .. but no, the little aunty will kick up a fuss and then she's cranky for awhile after that cos her nap was disturbed such that we've taken to just leaving her where she sleeps ..

The pictures above .. ya, that happened on Saturday .. she slept like that for about 15 minutes then got up refreshed. lol.

This happened today, Sunday. She was drawing at the dining table. Next thing I knew, she disappeared from sight and there was SILENCE. Claudia was also seated at the table and she whispered to me that Emily had fallen asleep.
I ran to get my camera to take a few shots ... she slept like that for 10 min. After taking the shots, I did try to cajole her to go to the bedroom and sleep on my bed .. she mumbled out a "no" ..
*sigh* she can be very stubborn. Fyi, she gets that from her Daddy. REALLY.


Anonymous said...

LOL! She is really cute and man....she does have lots of funny positions to get comfy on. I guess that is what they call power nap...regardless of place :)hahaha

kristalangel said...

thanks :) ya, I think as long as she doesn't hurt her back or anything, it should be ok to let her lie like that for a really short while .. lol. She's a very strange child .. I would've RUN to the nearest bed to fall asleep on .. but not Emily .. she just sleeps where she is .. hahaha.