Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A morning at the zoo ...

Hubby was leaving for a 6 week trip to Australia on Wednesday so on Tuesday, he was on leave and decided to take the girls to the zoo ... Well, yes, it's the same blardy zoo ... but seriously, where else is there to go in Singapore? Thankfully, the zoo is pretty near for us and I wisely took up a family zoo membership a few years back making it more worthwhile for us to visit the zoo as and when we wanted .. plus we get the tram rides FREE too!!

Anyway, as usual, the weather sucked the day we chose to visit the zoo ... it rained a bit when we first arrived but stopped shortly thereafter and we got to smell the zoo in all it's glory ... and gosh, it sure stinked ... lol.

Here are some shots I took ...

After that, we went to Swensens to have ice-cream ... !!

BTW, have I mentioned that Emily LURVES french fries ... ? Gosh, she can finish a whole pile of fries on her own ... lol :) It don't matter to her whether they're from Swensens or MacDonald's .. as long as they're fries, she'll wallop them ...

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